Funkstill -Threek 13700 morphing Filter and Flame instruments 4 VOX Quad Polyphonic Wavetable VCO demo
4 VOX Quad Polyphonic Wavetable VCO from Flame instruments and the newest Analog Morphing Multimode Filter Threek 13700 from Funkstill.
I specifically used to show both modules of the ambient patch because it shows the great sound of 4 VOX and you can clearly see the use of morphing with the Threek 13700 filter.
I added LFO for morphing, but also for mode and toggle changes, as you can see the diodes change, it means that the filter changes in different modes: 3 LP, 3 HP, BP, 2L-1H etc.
in 4 VOX I also set 3 different wavetables which, as you hear, change through LFO and morphing, I set two voices for a light move envelope, because the dial can be assigned to various parameters, like chords, envelope, pitch, detune, octaves, semitone and more.
The 4VOX is a quad wavetable oscillator with up to four voices per VCO channel, resulting in a maximum of 16 voices at four individual outputs. Due to a MIDI input the module can be played both with CVs or / and directly via MIDI - MIDI allows for modulating some additional parameters. There are 39 memory locations for wavetables and 32 patches for all global and VCO parameters.
The parameters of a wavetable can be controlled by CVs and by MIDI. For instance you can morph through a wavetable with a CV, a MIDI controller or manually with the potentiometer. The range of waves within a wavetable can be selected by minimum and maximum values individually per voice which allows for creating more complex morphs. Further controllable parameters are Detune, Semitone, Octave, Chord, Portamento, Amplitude and Amp Move (90 degrees phase shifted volume modulation of a VCO's 4 voices).
Min and max values can be selected for those parameters as well. Via MIDI it's possible to control further parameters (notes, chords, pitch bend, patch selection and wavetable selection)
More info about 4VOX here:
The Filter Threek 13700 is an analogue, 3 Pole Morphing Filter with 6 steplessly variable and voltage controllable modes. It provides self-oscillation, wave shaping (between the modes) and a lot of modulation possibilities: VC-Mode (continuously), VC-Resonance, Linear FM, two assignable CV inputs and more. It is a low distortion filter, which develops its rough character through the various modulation and feedback possibilities.
Especially if you modulate the Mode at audio rates for example with a VCO or by feeding back the output signal to the Mode input (CV1, Out Mode) you can explore very unique und dynamic sounds. With the additional 1 Pole input and 2 Pole output there are 12 filter modes available.
More info about Filter Threek 13700 here: