Soundmachines announces EuroTouch 14 new unique touch modules.
Soundmachines is a producer of eurorack modules known for very good touch controllers like the last Arches or LS1lightstrip.
This time Soundmachines are full of lines of touch modules under the name EuroTouch .
This are 14 new unique touch modules .
for example, they will control various functions in the majority of their names .
T-quadstrip-Evolution of the LS1 lightstrip
T-qvca-Quad VCA
T-mixer-Stereo four channel panning mixer
T-vocoder-16 / 32 band vocoder
T-sslayer-Stereo distortion engine
T-sspectrum-Spectral processor and more...
Some information are preliminary. Planned rollout for the described modules shipment is July, August and September.
more info soon here: